Andrea Marek

All things communications, media, content, creative.

Hi, I'm Andrea!

I'm from Montreal, Canada.

I am fluent in English, French, and Spanish.


Whether for a large or small company, internal or external communications, traditional or multimedia content I'm always ready to take on a challenge.


I have a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Studies, and a Master's Degree in Media Studies, both from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada.

Check out some of my publications and video work!

Featured Writing

Showcasing Your Value

Although we may be in a tourism lull at the moment, as things begin to pick up it will be key to showcase your value to prospective customers as they decide which tour operator is the best fit for them. More than ever travelers are looking for value either in the form of cost or experience. Demonstrating value is what lets your customers see and understand both why you make a great choice but also helps justify your pricing. However, demonstrating value is not just about justifying the cost of

What Should Small Businesses Blog About?

A small business blog is often an under-appreciated tool that allows you to directly communicate with your customers as well as potential customers. It acts as a compliment to the content you already share (or should be sharing) on your social media platforms. In this case, your small business blog about sharing additional written information and not simply images which are the priority on other platforms.

Don’t feel like because you’ve shared something on your social media that you can’t write

Instagram Guides For Tour Operators

When tour operators hear the term “guide” likely the first thing you think of is your wonderful hard-working employees. But in this case, “guides” takes on a new meaning in the social media universe. Instagram Guides? Didn’t they just come out with Reels?(opens in a new tab) Yes, and the reality is social media is constantly changing, and in order for your use of it to be effective, you need to adapt as well. If you have an existing Instagram account and, in particular, if you have Millennial cl

5 Unexpected Tips to Improve Your Website

A Tourism Tiger guest blog – Websites are essential for tour and activity operators. Often they’re the first point of contact for potential customers. But with so many websites it’s crucial to stand out from the rest and differentiate yourself from the competition. If you both have great websites with informative content and attractive photos, these seemingly small adjustments can help you gain that edge. Having a great site doesn’t mean there’s never ways to improve the user’s experience and th

Fundamentals of a Good Website For Tour and Activity Operators

The question is simple: “What makes a good website for a tour or activity operator?” And the answer is also simple: one which is aesthetically pleasing, informative, and functional. But in order to account for those three criteria, there are many moving parts that have to come together. Moreso all of these parts contribute to the overall website experience in their own way so it’s not a matter of prioritizing some while leaving others to the side.

While a good website may be taken for granted,

Why Tour and Activity Operators Should Invest in a Great Website

Why Tour and Activity Operators Should Invest in a Great Website

It’s crucial to understand that a great tour or activity website should not be seen as merely an expense, but rather as an investment. But the question to answer is why?

What Happens When You Don’t Have a Great Website?

Let’s start at the opposite end of the spectrum. What happens when you don’t have a great website? A poorly designed or functioning website sets you and your business up for failure in the following ways:
• None

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