
Having worked in both internal and external communications, I have experience in a variety of writing styles from blogs, magazine articles, intranet content, technical writing, website copy, social media content, email marketing content, and translation.

My writing is about making content accessible, even when it's a more complex subject matter and adapting based on context and intended audience each of which has it's own unique requirements.

Featured Articles

Explore a featured selection of my writing work below.

Fast Business Funding

Small business owners wear a lot of hats and often take on multiple roles within their businesses, which means that they are consequently always on the go. This means that when it comes to their financing needs, any excess time spent applying for financing or waiting to hear back from a financier means time away from running the business and potential growth.

Access to fast cash for small business can mean the difference between keeping operations regular in the event of unforeseen circumstance

Showcasing Your Value

Although we may be in a tourism lull at the moment, as things begin to pick up it will be key to showcase your value to prospective customers as they decide which tour operator is the best fit for them. More than ever travelers are looking for value either in the form of cost or experience. Demonstrating value is what lets your customers see and understand both why you make a great choice but also helps justify your pricing. However, demonstrating value is not just about justifying the cost of

Instagram Guides For Tour Operators

When tour operators hear the term “guide” likely the first thing you think of is your wonderful hard-working employees. But in this case, “guides” takes on a new meaning in the social media universe. Instagram Guides? Didn’t they just come out with Reels?(opens in a new tab) Yes, and the reality is social media is constantly changing, and in order for your use of it to be effective, you need to adapt as well. If you have an existing Instagram account and, in particular, if you have Millennial cl

Should Your Small Business Have a Holiday Sale?

With pandemic restrictions generally a thing of the past, higher interest rates, supply chain issues, and general uncertainty about the economy, it’s a challenge for small businesses and consumers alike to navigate this holiday season.

Given a backlog of inventory from multiple seasons all hitting the marketplace at the same time, some merchants may find themselves with too much product that they don’t know what to do with. Similarly some businesses even find themselves raising prices in respon

Branding Pyramid and Tour Operators

To get started let’s take a brief step back…what is a brand? In business and marketing, a company’s brand isn’t something tangible, it’s what people think of when they hear your company’s name. In other words their perception of your tour company and everything it stands for. It’s why some people consider Coca-Cola a classic and Pepsi as more trendy. While the product itself is quite similar, how the companies present themselves is quite distinct. In the tourism world, when you hear the name Air

Working Capital Loan & Cash Flow Financing

At its core, running a business involves managing your outgoing expenses with the incoming revenue your business generates, your cash flow, and the money your business is left with after that subtraction of all bills and operational costs, your available working capital. As you can see, although the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, cash flow and working capital, while related to each other, are indeed separate financial components. Moreover they are terms that all small businesses need

What Should Small Businesses Blog About?

A small business blog is often an under-appreciated tool that allows you to directly communicate with your customers as well as potential customers. It acts as a compliment to the content you already share (or should be sharing) on your social media platforms. In this case, your small business blog about sharing additional written information and not simply images which are the priority on other platforms.

Don’t feel like because you’ve shared something on your social media that you can’t write

Evergreen Blog Content For Tour Operators

At Tourism Tiger we love blogs, I mean, we really love blogs. Reading them, talking about them, writing them. In addition to our own extensive library of blogs which covers a range of topics for tour and activity operators(opens in a new tab), we also have our blog writing service(opens in a new tab) for those who want all the benefits that come with having a blog on your website, without having to write them themselves. There are all kinds of blogs that can be written: informative, inspirationa

Buy Now Pay Later for Tour Operators

When you hear the term instalment payments your mind may wander towards large purchases such as a car, furniture, or other similar items with a significant price tag. But as consumer demands are changing, and so is the mentality surrounding payments. In the past a customer could pay with a credit card and then make their own decision about how much to pay off and when. However, this is now no longer the only option to consider.

Known as buy now pay later (BNPL), what started as a more localised

Travel Industry Infographics

In case you’re not familiar with them, an infographic is where information (info) is presented in a visual (graphic) way. It can contain information, data, content, or a combination of these with visual, numerical, and textual elements varying based on the subject matter, preference, and audience. Infographics are a way to present information to more visual people(opens in a new tab) and make important points easily comprehensible. It is also a more interactive and engaging form of content(opens

Integrate Social Media With Your Tour Site

When it comes to your tour business, your website and your social media can feel like two completely separate branches. But in reality with the right setup, you’ll see there are a variety of additional benefits that come from integrating your social media onto your website. These benefits fall under visual and content appeal, interactivity, and creating an ease of navigation between your site and social profiles.

One of the most common and beneficial ways to integrate social media into your web

Offering Equipment Rentals

You’re a tour operator, and you’re a business person, so it’s only logical that you want to maximize profit while offering the best experience possible. You come up with new tour ideas, new tour stops, a special promotion, but what about using the resources you already have to your full advantage and begin offering equipment rentals. Maybe you’ve seen your competitors doing it, and maybe you’ve been hesitant to go for it. So we’ve put together a list of the benefits as well as additional factors

Tips For Winter and Cold Weather Tours

As a tour operator, you’re likely all too familiar with challenging weather, but we’re here to reassure you that a bit of cold and snow doesn’t have to be a reason to cancel your tours. In fact, quite the opposite, winter and cold weather tours are a great opportunity for tour operators to offer seasonal tours, create additional appeal to locals, and help you make the most of the whole year and not just the peak season! So whether you live in an area with a few months of cold weather, or if you

Fall and Halloween Tour Ideas

For those in the Northern Hemisphere, the school year is underway, the temperature is starting to drop, and pumpkin-flavored everything has emerged. All of this can only mean one thing: fall is upon us. What’s not to love about fall: cozy sweaters, warm drinks, and crisp air! And of course we can’t forget Halloween. If you’re also a fan of all things autumn (or even if you’re not) consider how you can capitalize on this time of year when it comes to your tour offerings.

To adjust your tours for

How Does a Recession Affect Small Businesses in Canada

After having come out of the dark cloud of the pandemic and its unprecedented impact on all industries, followed by the challenges of the supply chain crisis, the very real buzzword now at play is recession.

In its simplest terms, a recession is a temporary period of noticeable economic decline across the market, marked by a decline of the country’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in at least two successive quarters.

For all the talk surrounding the recession in Canada, in this blog we’re specifi

How to Use Your Website as a Tool to Grow Your Small Business

At some point when you started your business, you decided to take the plunge on setting up a website for small business. You got the domain name you wanted, you set up hosting, and whether you used a template and built it yourself, or got professional help, and your site launch. Now what? There’s a gap between actually having the site built, and optimizing it both for functionality and brand building.

There’s a reason why it’s said that your website is your only 24/7 employee. No matter how man

Undertourism and Second Cities

Capitalizing on second city tourism or undertourism represents an opportunity for both visitors to discover new locations and for travel businesses to stand out from the pack.

Let’s clear things up and start off with the terms. The term ‘second city’ is often used to refer to a city with the second-highest population in a country. But more generally, it can also apply to any secondary, smaller, or simply lesser-known destination. In terms of travel, it can describe any city, region, or even a c

Getting Your Small Business Ready For Spring

Bundled up in sweaters, avoiding going outside to shovel the walkway…spring is likely a far off concept for Canadian small businesses. But when it comes to thinking and planning ahead, businesses need to stay on top of things in order to avoid an unfortunate last minute crunch. After all, a bit of advance preparation can go a long way when it comes to seasonal transitions.

As challenging as supply chain management is at the moment, it’s crucial that you speak with your suppliers as early as pos

Holiday and Winter Tour Ideas

We always find ourselves at the start of the year hopeful for what’s to come and then in the blink of an eye the months are flying by. Next thing you know you’re checking the calendar and *gasp* can it be? The holiday season is approaching. Weren’t we just talking about fall and Halloween tour ideas?(opens in a new tab) Like any other major time of the year, it’s important to get a head start and begin your planning in advance. So while we’re still not quite there yet, as a business you have to

Movies for Tour Operators & Tour Guides

We’ve written about books, and we’ve written about podcasts, so it only makes sense that we take a look into movies for tour operators and tour guides. One thing that not many people know about the team at Tourism Tiger, is that we love to watch series and movies. Accordingly, it only makes sense that we put together a list of movies that feature tours and guides in a variety of formats.

When it comes to movies about travel, most people automatically think Eat, Pray, Love. But we’ve gone deeper

Cart Abandonment & Why B2B Businesses Should Care About It

If you run a B2B e-commerce business, then online shopping cart abandonment is always top of mind. Your buyer is almost there, last steps, yet they abandon before completing. The question is, why does it keep happening and, how to avoid shopping cart abandonment from happening moving forward? It’s time to address this crack in the B2B e-commerce experience and take the necessary steps to prevent it!

Cart abandonment is when a potential customer adds items to their online cart—seemingly with the
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External Publications

Explore a featured selection of my writing work below. These articles were written on behalf of my previous employer for external partner companies.

5 Unexpected Tips to Improve Your Website

A Tourism Tiger guest blog – Websites are essential for tour and activity operators. Often they’re the first point of contact for potential customers. But with so many websites it’s crucial to stand out from the rest and differentiate yourself from the competition. If you both have great websites with informative content and attractive photos, these seemingly small adjustments can help you gain that edge. Having a great site doesn’t mean there’s never ways to improve the user’s experience and th

Fundamentals of a Good Website For Tour and Activity Operators

The question is simple: “What makes a good website for a tour or activity operator?” And the answer is also simple: one which is aesthetically pleasing, informative, and functional. But in order to account for those three criteria, there are many moving parts that have to come together. Moreso all of these parts contribute to the overall website experience in their own way so it’s not a matter of prioritizing some while leaving others to the side.

While a good website may be taken for granted,

Why Tour and Activity Operators Should Invest in a Great Website

Why Tour and Activity Operators Should Invest in a Great Website

It’s crucial to understand that a great tour or activity website should not be seen as merely an expense, but rather as an investment. But the question to answer is why?

What Happens When You Don’t Have a Great Website?

Let’s start at the opposite end of the spectrum. What happens when you don’t have a great website? A poorly designed or functioning website sets you and your business up for failure in the following ways:
• None

How to Secure More Bookings With Your Website Layout

If your website is the virtual storefront to your tours, it’s essential that the layout is both attractive and efficient in order to maximize conversions. It’s one thing to put in the work to get someone onto your site, it’s another to get them to actually convert into a sale. Web design is not one size fits all. As there are multiple factors contributing to success, we’ll go over some of the key elements to get you going in the right direction. When used correctly, each of these elements will h

Master's Thesis

Research-Creation Master's Thesis in Media Studies for Concordia University.

Animating Adulthood: Emotional Resonance, Affective Quality, and the Human Condition in Adult Animated Television. An Examination in Theory, Viewership, and Practice

At its core, adult animation is animated content specifically created for an adult audience. Adult animation represents the intersection of childhood with its colorful package, and the often crippling reality of adulthood, with its content. What may initially appear as sweet and benign entertainment is in actuality an environment for self-reflexivity, where individuals are confronted with their own personal issues, and the reality of adulthood through the struggles of the characters and the narratives explored, both good and bad. The programming offers an escape from one’s own problems, while engaging with the characters provides a surrogate experience. This recent shift in adult animated television is emotionally driven, ranging in theme from simply making it through the everyday, to having an existential crisis. Programs discussed include BoJack Horseman, Rick and Morty, F is for Family, and animals.. This paper reflects a multi-perspective approach to research, which is particularly lacking in animation studies, and where there is often a stringent divide between theory and practice. Accordingly the three sections of this paper correspond to three approaches to adult animation: theoretical, content or viewer based, and production or maker based, which includes a discussion of the accompanying creation component.